English Writing Lesson
I want to talk a little bit about writing and specifically about the process you can use to improve your final English writing product. Many people just start writing without first thinking about it and this is why I am writing this quick English Writing Lesson. It will give you a plan or process to follow when you want or need to write something. Whether it is a paragraph, an English business email, a company report, or any English writing, you can use this process.
Don’t just start writing your English writing project. You need to at least think about it first and it is even better to follow a process that will help you write better and in a way that will be more easily understood by the reader. Remember that you want your ideas to get across to the reader because, otherwise, you will have wasted your time writing.
English Writing Process
- Relax
- Think about your topic and research it if necessary
- Just write down ideas (brainstorm) and don’t worry about whether the ideas that you are writing down are good or not (this will come later in the process), just write them down
- Write down as many ideas as you can (don’t just brain sneeze make it a storm)
- Rest and reread your ideas and think of more ideas and write them down. Reading your ideas should give you more ideas – Lateral Thinking (Edward de Bono) – you may have to practice letting your mind go free so that you can come up with different ideas
- After this you can organize your ideas and remove those that don’t fit with what you want to write – save them for a later English writing project
- Organize your ideas into an outline – put your ideas down in a list in the order that you want to write about them
- Review and ask yourself – Do you have enough information or ideas? – if not think up and write down more ideas (brainstorm)
- Write your first draft using your outline. Write down as much as you can and don’t worry about grammar or spelling
- Review what you have written – add things that come to mind as you read your writing – do you have enough information? – if not add some more, or you can do more research
- Review again and add things if you think of them
- You can also start to correct spelling and skim for grammar
- Do you have enough information and is it organized well?
- Proofread for spelling and grammar
- Proofread again for spelling and grammar
- Finished
The one key item that you should always use is to brainstorm ideas before you start writing. At the very least you should think about what you are going to write before you start writing and come up with a few ideas that you will include in your writing. I do believe that if you follow this process you will find that your English writing will improve and it will be easier to get your ideas across to the readers. This is my quick English Writing Lesson and I hope that it helps you to become a better writer in English.
Here is a link to the description of my English Writing Course https://johns-online-english.com/english-writing-courses/
You can view some of John’s Online English at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk7wrbiwHTkuMK85G0eanTg