Resume Course at John's Online EnglishThe Resume Course will take you through the process of writing your resume.  This is not all that we will do.  First, we will gather the information that you will need to write your resume as well as for you to understand the skills and personality traits that you have.  We will also use this information and your resume to do some preparation for answering questions in a job interview.

The start of the information gathering will begin with you doing a skills and personality trait profile.  This will give you an idea about what strengths you have and where you acquired them.  As part of this you will study your activities at school, your part time and full time work experience, and your extracurricular activities.  By doing this part of the process you will also gain some insight into incidents where you used the skills and exhibited the traits to accomplish some goal or solve a problem.  Some of the information you gain here will be used in your resume.

Next we will start writing your resume.  The first step will be to list your education, courses, work experience, etc.  As well, you should list the duties you had and what you needed (skills) to fulfill these duties.  Most of this you would have done as part of the previous step in the resume process.  We will look at different styles and settle on the one that is appropriate for your situation.  We can change the style at any time, or we may write resumes in a few different styles.

Since we have looked at your skills and personality traits and where you may have acquired or used them, we may also look further into these in preparation for answering job interview questions.   We could look at what I call “Show and Prove”.  Show is using examples (stories) of you accomplishing something, solving a problem, etc. at work or elsewhere that illustrates you using some skills and exhibiting some personality traits.  Prove is the telling of where or how you acquired the skills.

If the student wants to do further writing for their job search or for improving their English we can also look at writing other things such as a Cover Letter and an Autobiography.  We can write a Cover Letter/Email to send with your resume when you apply for a job.  The inclusion of this in the course will depend on the student’s needs and desires.  The cover letter can be written for a generic job or a job opening of the student’s choosing.  We can also write a cover letter to go with a resume that is being sent to a company where there is no advertised opening.

The basic coverage of this course will be writing a resume, but as you can see more than that will be included.

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for a description of the word resume – visit Wikipedia